Being Gay

To presume society or better yet the general public knows how our lives are conducted is an error of itself.

I find that much of society’s perception of us is based on media coverage of such events like the Gay Pride Parades or gay issues concerning our military as well as our educators.

Much of the media has been one-sided on specific issues that concern gay rights and thus shows us in an unfavorable light.

I’d like to see them be more fair in their coverage of how we can have a positive effect in the community.

I also find that it has always been the religious right who encourage conflict,  create a sense of mistrust and fabricate numerous untruths to instill fear about us.

They provoke unrest and like to complicate matters by focusing on those passages in the Bible that condemn our behavior.

We all interpret the Bible differently as no two people see the same thing in the same way.

I would never pretend to be a religious scholar but I can say that I am one of millions who use my free will to think for myself when it comes to God.

I was raised Catholic, visited many different churches and faiths but I chose a long time ago to a Spiritualist.

Religion and Spirituality are clearly two different things. I was never obedient to any teachings rather I asked many, many questions.

We all would be wise to ask more questions rather than believe all that is told to us.

People need to be aware that there is just as much support for us in organizations such as PFLAG and GLSEN as well as GSA clubs in our local High Schools, community colleges and Universities.

There is so much support to uncover in our schools that go undetected to the general public because the media seems more concerned with looking the other way instead of reporting a balanced story.

I’ve chosen to write this Being Gay blog because we need a place to talk openly and freely without the chance of being persecuted.

I’m here to enlighten not just our gay youth but any gay person who wants to share their feelings, their thoughts and their truths about who we are.

I’m here to listen, to dispense when necessary a path, directions, suggestions,compassion, empathy and education about what it’s like being gay.

This is my emphatically happy gay life and I thank God every day for the breath He blows though my nostrils.

I’m just following in the footsteps of Jesus who was as much an activist for social justice as Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa and all the other foot soldiers like me who give voice to those being muffled by their parents, peers or any other persons of society who refuses to learn the truth about us.

It is those individuals who choose ignorance rather than knowledge that will surely suffer the longest.

The religious communities say they represent God in fighting against homosexuality.

I say that when God stands between us in our lives He will assuredly walk away with the one who loves Him without prejudice.

I don’t see those who treat us with indifference as a threat nor do I fear them for they are merely blind to the ways of God’s love.

They lack the knowledge that comes with every persons birth rights.

They lack the simple ability to love as God loves.

I choose love over hate every time for it is not only Gods way but the only way.

I challenge those who fear me to give me one good reason why you feel this way.

Tell me what you think you know about us.